Mare information


2024 Cover details

Covering notification

Owner details

Veterinary information

Has your mare tested positive for CEMO, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa at any time?
Please give full details.
Has your mare ever had or been on a Stud Farm where an outbreak of Equine Rhinopneumonitis "Virus Abortion" has occured?
Please give full details.
Has your mare ever had, or been in contact with, any other infectious diseases?
Please give full details.

Mare temperament

Does the mare possess any temperamental abnormalities?
Please give full details.

Mare movement history

Has the mare been outside the UK in the last year (12 months)?
Please state which country and confirm expected arrival date in the UK.

Boarding stud details

Is the mare likely to be ‘walked’ in from an outside Stud Farm?
Please give contact details for the boarding stud together with an expected arrival date.

Points to note

Whilst we strive to maintain the highest standards of stud management, Godolphin Management Co Ltd will not accept any responsibility for accident or disease to any person, property or third party animals, however caused.

We will be unable to cover your mare if you do not fully complete this form and return it to us.

Signature required

Owner / Agent