"I have four Rio de la Plata two-year-olds. They all have strength, shape and appear precocious. They move well – and I have to say they have excellent temperaments!"
- Henri-Alex Pantall
"I have four Rio de la Plata two-year-olds. They all have strength, shape and appear precocious. They move well – and I have to say they have excellent temperaments!"
- Henri-Alex Pantall
"I have the half-sister to [unbeaten G3 winner] Trixia by Rio de la Plata. She has strength and a good temperament and has impressed me in her work and I expect her to follow the same programme as her sister, starting in a good maiden in July or August."
- Pascal Bary
"I have a number of Rio de la Plata two-year-olds. They have extraordinary strength, fabulous temperaments and only wish to please in their work. I am sending him five mares and would happily send him every mare I have!"
- Con Marnane
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